
Thursday, March 19, 2020

4 things I like

Hello there. Today we were talking about  4 things i like my four things are
Scootering i like scootering because it means I can hang out with my mates.
Farming because i can hangout with animals.
Fishing because it gits me in the fresh air.
camping so I can hungout out with my family.

Monday, March 16, 2020

different types of sentence

In science we have been working on different types of sentences. Here are same we have learned here they are I hope you like it. A very short sentence  is a  sentence that is short and has no more the 5 words.  A w start is where the sentence starts with a w word. A adverb is where the sentence ends with a ly word. I hope this has been helpful.

The seedling has grown fast. 
When the seed gets bigger I will put in the garden.
 Happily i put the seeds in the garden. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Te Tiriti o waitangi

The Maori population in the late 1830's was about 70,000 to 80,000. Be for that it was about 100,000  but due to war and disease  it decreased to 70,000 to 80,000.  The name of the main settlement in Aotearoa New Zealand at this time was Russell. The Rangatira and Missionaries where unhappy with liquor and prostitution. The unitent trade was set up in 1833 to help resolve the situation.


Hello in health we have been luring about all the sugar in our drinks. Here is a presentation  on why you should drink water. I hope you like it here it is.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

growing seeds

 Hi in class we have been doing since and we were planting seeds without soil and with just water and a paper tea. So they grow without soil means that we don't need soil to grow seeds. Seen you can grow them without soil means they can grow them in space.

You need soil and water 

Because if you do sunflowers they have seeds that you can eat and they will ryes grow 

Germans is were it will grow without soil and you just need water 

Monday, March 9, 2020

What happens to a wet wash cloth in space.

What happens to a wet wash cloth in space.
When you get water on a wash cloth and you wring it out the water will go on to your hands and then it will stay on you hands until you wipe it off your hands. The reason it stays to his hand is because there in 0 gravity in space so it won't full on to the floor.

The link to the video

5 Ways to Write a Sentence

In class we have been doing work on how to write sentences. The sentences are a lot better so they look nice and so we know how to write a good sentence. We can get people to look at our whole blog post. Here it is I hope you like it.

One morning he woke up. Then he decided to go fishing so he grabbed his gear. Quickly, he jumped in the Ute and sped away. Straight away he got a fish hooked! While he was bringing the fish in, he was trying to get his net. He happily let the fish go. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

This is just to say

Hello today in class we have been doing a poem about one thing we have done that was wrong after that we went onto canva so we could make it look nice. Its a part of the book on the road here it is I hope you like it.

salt curing

We are learning how to cure meat i'm doing how to cure the meat with salt we are learning more ways to preserving food so we can take it up to space and it wont go off and it will be good for us  and here it is hope you like it.

Aim to cure the meat so you don't need to cook it and so it lasts a lot longer. so we can take it to space.

Method By salting it will make the meat eat able with out having to cook it and to make it last a lot longer so we don't have to worry about it going off and making it non eat able.

Equipment Salt, meat, bracket, knife, string. 

Process get the salt and the meat ready the put the meat on something then put some salt in a basket and then put the meat in  it and then every day get ride of all blood and put more salt in  do this for 12 days. then put the string  to tie it all tougher and then it will stay in lots.


Discussion can you cure white meat? no  you can not because the white meat has salmonella witch can make you really sick so you have to cook it.

Do you have to cook red meat no you don't you can cure the meat but it takes a lot longer to cure the meat then it takes to cook the meat.