
Thursday, May 28, 2020


Hi in pe today we have been doing measurement. We have been timing each other we did 30m sprint  Agilely test  Resting Heart rate here is all my times. we had to double our heart rate because we did it for 30 sec and we need to see how meany beats our heart for 1 minute.

Fitness test


Heart rate after bpn

Resting Heart rate



Agilly run


30m sprint


After the Storm

In reading this week I have been reading After the storm. The teacher gave us questions about the story here my answers. have a good day.

Who is in the family? Sam, Dad, Mum, Matthew,  Jessie,

How did Jessie feel when they found the skull? He cried and he ran away.

Would you have put your hand down the hole? I would put my hand down there just in case there was cats in it I would be able to save them.

What does strewn mean? It means that the one thing is everywhere

Write a sentence using the word strewn. When I looked out at the field I saw leaves strewn about.

Amberley beach front fish n chips

Last week in school we were working on a Restaurant Brand Designing. I made my brand name Amberley beach front fish n chips the reason why I did this name is because I all way go out to Amberley to see my famley  on the fram.heres my slide I hope you like it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Haiku Poems

Hi today we were working on our haiku poems here is my poem. This poem is about the creation of the eel. The reason we are loaning about haiku poems is because it is part of the art class.

                                                                 rough current water 
                                                             slimy eel was fast moving
                                                              fast slick eel swimming 

Samoan Stories

In the story I read was about a woman who does tattooing in Samoa. In the book I read I learned that it's mostly males who do the tattooing and it is not a thing you can teach yourself you need to go see a master of Samoa tattooing so they can teach you how to. Tyla said that she uses a coil machine witch on one of the first tattooing machine to be invented. She said she spent a lot of her childhood make drawing of tattoos and she wants more women to do tattooing in Samoa.

Samoan Language Week

An umu is a Samoan way to cook food it needs rocks from the river or the cast line and a lot of fire wood and bananas leafs. they use it for cooking food for the village.

The traditional Samoan skills are taught by an older male he will tech the younger males how to make and cook on an umu.

I haven't experienced anything similar.

The types of things are cooked in an umu are bananas, potatoes, fish, coconut cream. 

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

The girl in the video is Sadako.
She is in heaven 

She is there because she got Leukemia

How did she get there?  she Folded a paper crane
How does she feel? sad
What is a paper crane and what does it represent it
represent on of the most poupler origami and 3 little works

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The weater outside

Today we are learning about haiku you need 5 syllables and the 7 syllables the 5 syllables heres mine. 

miserable outside
the weather is cold and warm
rain is fulling hard

The creation of tuna

  1. Te Raki was trying to get water and the tuna was swimming between her legs and they still
  2. needed to go fishing for food and get water. The tuna came down because it was too dry
  3. and sunny where it was from.
  4.  What is a hinak  was a basket-like pot that was set in open water with bait
  5.  What does tipua means terrifying
  6. What type of animal is Tuna a fish 
  7. The art in the video was black in white and the art in the
  8. book was more detailed with the color with all the photos
and drawing. 

I liked the book better than the video better than because
it was easy to understand with the color which meant
I could understand all the photos.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

upgrading the race car

In the last few weeks I have been helping fix up the race car with my uncle and dad. We have been working on the front  suspension we replaced the old suspension with  way newer suspension the old suspension is going to be used for spear suspension.We have also done the fuel tank and all the fuel system.We have also wrap the exhaust with the exhaust wrap.we have also taken the intercooler off.

building a simulator for my ps4 steering wheel

During level 3 my dad my uncle and I built a simulator for our ps4 steering wheel.We started off with 3 pieces of metal and a car set and a old set of race harness and some wood. First we used the grinder to get the rust of the steal then we got a measuring tape and got the size we need to cut the metal into three pieces. Then we started welding we welded the whole bottom of the simulator then we put the seat in place then we cut the metal for the rest of it. Then we welded it up thats when it looked like this.
 then we put the seat on it and the wood on it. Then we set it up with the  harness and then we toke it home.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

6 word poem

In class we have been working on a 6 word poem. Here is Mine I hope you like it.